segunda-feira, janeiro 08, 2007

Novo Museu em Alpedrinha

Fotos do Expresso de 6/1/2007
A CMF, através de financiamento comunitário, vai recuperar o Palácio do Picadeiro e transformá-lo em espaço museológico. A construção do Palácio do Picadeiro foi iniciada nos finais do século XVIII, pelo Dr. Francisco Lopes Sarafana Correia da Silva, mas nunca foi terminado. A CMF é o seu actual proprietário, está a proceder a remodelações e passará a ser o espaço de excelência do concelho para a realização de exposições. A empresa Y Dreams, uma das empresas portuguesas na área das Novas Tecnologias, com maior projecção internacional, concebeu um sistema multimedia para que os visitantes percorram virtualmente o concelho e a rota da transumância. Esperemos para ver o resultado final, que certamente será de enorme qualidade e dotará a Beira Interior de um novo local de atracção turística, agora não só para fotografar. A vista é soberba, o acesso é por uma calçada romana e está enquadrado por um chafariz monumental.

“You can’t do today’s job with yesterday’s methods and expect to be in business tomorrow.” - Anonymous

YDreams is a Portuguese technology solutions provider founded in June 2000 by internationally renowned specialists in information technology, telecommunications, image processing, geographic information systems and environmental engineering. The company develops pioneering, patent-pending technology in a variety of fields, namely spatial data mining, interactive media, augmented reality and pervasive gaming. YDreams develops products, customised solutions and services for four major markets, through independent divisions: Advertising, Entertainment, Education & Culture and Environment.

Even though we have been helping some of the largest global corporations reshape and even create new markets, we stand by old, time-proven standards in quality, dedication and long term vision. During the last five years, YDreams has built an unsurpassed reputation for creative use of technology, both in Portugal and in all other markets where the company operates, which include the Netherlands, France, Spain, the U.K., Germany, China and Brazil.

In 2005, YDreams was distinguished as one of Europe’s emerging companies in the field of telecommunications and selected to be profiled and broadcast on CNBC Europe. The company business profile was segmented into four blocks and aired from the 23rd to the 28th of February 2006.

Museums & Exhibitions

Attracting visitors of all ages and backgrounds, and convincing them to come back for more, is an ever-increasing challenge for museums and cultural centers. YDreams’ Fluid Museums and Interactive installations may be exactly what these places need to motivate people to visit their collections and exhibitions on a regular basis. Our frontline solutions use advanced technologies that bring exhibits to life, spark visitors’ imagination and open up new cultural possibilities for citizens with special needs. "

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